i promised you i would rise with the rumble, show up and refuse to play small. so, it’s about time i share something with you- and in turn, i’m finally admitting it to myself.
i’ve always had a “bucket list dream” if you will. this dream sat on the shelf stuffed behind fear, stuck behind a fork in the road that turned left at the conventional path, road blocked by improper timing, clouded by left brain thinking and stifled by the can i really do this? the bucket got so heavy, it broke the shelf. i watched the created life pieces laid out in front of me and as i reimagined how they would romantically fit together- i listened to the call of my heartbeat guiding me home. when dreams become a reality, and reality becomes your dreams.
the bucket was filled with - " LAURA, take all you’ve learned and loved to live for, and do that. as a photographer and community developer build your portfolio, and take it on the road. live minimally to create space for what matters most. travel coast to coast canada to lean into people, and learn and share their stories. build capacity in community by creating opportunities for people to come together, thrive and rise in who they are and remember that my days are fuelled by sharing the power of human connection. .
travelING coast to coast canada, in summer of 2018. i have to admit, i wouldn't be able to stand strong as the woman i am today without every single obstacle that has and still does knock me down, you've strengthened my foundation. to every person that has reminded me of the length of my own back bone, and to every single loved one who has supported my wild adventures, believed in me i didn’t see it in myself and continued to remind me to shine my light when it’s grown dim. i love you.
spark up. tip the bucket. go wild. yes it’s absolutely terrifying, BUT IT'S worth it. find your home. traveling to build home in a my tiny home.